Clubs, Programs, Activities » Activities » 6th Grade Camp

6th Grade Camp

6th Grade Camp 2024-25
4-21-25 to 4-25-25
Cost $455

Outdoor Education ~ 6th Grade Camp Information 2025   


Just a friendly reminder that ALL camp payments and forms (including Dr. signed medical forms) are due no later than March 3, 2025 - no late exceptions will be made. Camp packets were sent home with your students January 16th & 17th. All money and forms will be collected through your students Social Studies teachers. 

Cuyamaca Outdoor School (COS)

Cuyamaca Outdoor School (COS), also known as 6th Grade Camp, has connected more than one million students with science and nature since 1946. 6th Grade Camp is an annual tradition for students at BHMS. Students, along with their teachers, attend a 5-day camp where they learn about science in nature. Our school’s 6th grade students have the opportunity to attend Cuyamaca Outdoor School the week of April 21-25 2025. 
Requirements that must be completed by families before a student can attend camp on April 21, 2025:
Student Registration and Health form (pink)
​​This form must be completed, signed and returned to your child’s Social Studies teacher no later than March 3, 2025 along with payment of $455 payable to “BHMS”.  In the memo line, please clearly print your student’s first and last name.

Camp and Form Information:
Camp packets containing forms and information have been distributed to your student on Jan 16th & 17th. Please read the instructions carefully and submit completed registration form and payment to your student’s Social Studies by March 3, 2025.

Camp Forms:

All Forms


If your student has any health or medical issues, it is imperative that they are indicated on the front of the pink Registration Form.  If you plan to send any medication that is not listed on the back of the Registration Form under “Non-Prescription Medication Available on an “As-Needed Basis”, you will need to complete a Medical Authorization Form attached in the packet.  This includes vitamins, homeopathic medications, over-the-counter medications and prescription medications. All medication forms must be signed by both you and a doctor from the United States and provided to our health office NO LATER than March 3, 2025.  The actual medications must be in their original containers and are due to the health office the week before camp. If you have any medical questions, please contact BHMS Health Tech, Darlene Hart at [email protected]

Special Dietary Requests/Needs
Any student who requires special meals and/or meal accommodations (except vegetarians and vegans) must complete the Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations form. Parents may contact the camp directly via email @  Child Nutrition Supervisor  to discuss meal plans.  

Health Services FAQ 
Special Dietary Needs and Allergies FAQ 


DROP off for Camp:

  • Luggage drop-Off: Begins at 7:00 - 7:30am - luggage may be dropped at  the luggage truck in the front circle at BHMS. Clearly mark all luggage with Student’s Name (duct tape or masking tape work well).
    Please refer to the Student Packing List (link above under “Forms”)
  • Student drop off:  Students may be dropped off between 7:00- 7:45am on Monday April 21, 2025.  
    RETURN from Camp:  Students will be returning to BHMS on Friday at 12:00.  
    ** Parents or Guardians MUST pick up students at this time – There will be no additional class time nor ASES for students on Friday April.25, 2025 once students have returned from camp.** 

Cuyamaca Outdoor School (COS) Website