Educational Support Departments » Counseling » Counseling FAQs

Counseling FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for Counselors

What are some reasons to see a counselor?
School counselors are here to help!  We are available to help students apply academic achievement strategies, manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills as well as to explore career options.

What does “confidentiality” mean as it relates to a counseling session?
Confidentiality means that students can confide in their counselor.  We will not share what we've talked about with you without your permission.

What would be some reasons to break this “confidentiality?”
As a School Counselor's first priority is always student safety we care about YOU!  We are mandated reporters meaning that we are required by law to involve other personnel (parents, CPS, law inforcement) if you share any one of the following with us:
*Plan to hurt myself
*Plan to hurt someone else
*Someone is hurting me (abuse, neglect, committing a crime)

When can students see a Counselor?
Students are welcome to meet with a counselor before school, during breaks, at lunchtime or after school on a "drop-in" basis.  If your counselor is not available they will ask you to fill out a form so that they can check back in with you at a later time.
*If a student needs to see a counselor immediately and they are in class they can ask their teacher for a pass to the counseling office.