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 --The Chapter Adviser is Mrs. Angel Chapman
APPLICATION- 7th and 8th Graders
Instructions & Forms - ONLY 7th Graders Running for Office

CJSF (BHMS Honor Society)

General Information

Question:     What is CJSF (the honor society)?
Answer:       The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a state-wide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California's public and private junior high and middle schools. 

Question:     How can I become a member of the honor society?
Answer:      The application periods are the months of September and February for 7th and 8th grade students.  Each applicant must apply in person and can obtain an application from the Chapter Adviser in Room S1 or from a 7th or 8th Grade Humanities teacher.  The completed application, a copy of the applicant's report card, and the dues for the semester must be received before the end of the application period. Announcements are made in the student section of the daily bulletin, posted in Humanities classrooms and read over the intercom during the application periods. 

Question:     What are the Requirements for CJSF Membership?
Answer:      Students apply for membership at the beginning of each semester based on their grades for the previous semester.  All grades earned in the previous semester must be the equivalent of C or better.  Membership will terminate should a grade of D or F be earned during any grading period or for honor code infractions.  Any citizenship grade lower that Satisfactory will also terminate the student’s membership.  

Question:     What are the Benefits of CJSF Membership?
Answer:      Students have the opportunity to participate in leadership roles in school/community that are unique because of their commitment to excellence.  CJSF grooms the student for California Scholarship Federation (CSF) membership in high school.  Each year a number of CJSF members earn Honor Member status.

Question:     What is an Honor Member?
Answer:      An Honor Member is a student who has qualified and applied for membership in at least three of the four semesters in seventh and eighth grades.  When honor membership is verified by the Chapter Adviser, permanent records are annotated and the student becomes eligible for associate membership at the high school chapter of the California Scholarship Federation. 

Question:     How does a Member Qualify for the Honor Medal?
Answer:      The CJSF Honor Medal is awarded to students to meet both scholastic and service requirements.  Each student must qualify for honor membership (be a member in good standing three of the four semesters in seventh and eighth grades and at the time the medal is presented) and perform at least fifty hours of community/school service.

Some activities for which service credit can be earned are:
  • Tutoring on campus or cross-age tutoring    
  • Hosting/Sponsoring food drives
  • Hosting a faculty recognition day
  • Ushering at school events
  • Visiting convalescent centers/hospitals
  • Serving as members of the Leadership Crew 
  • Sponsoring "Campus Cleanup Day"
  • Co-Sponsoring Awards Night
  • Helping with new student orientation/school registration
  • Other activities approved by the adviser on request 

Question:     When was the CJSF Chapter Established?
Answer:       Chapter 767js was established at Bernardo Heights in February 1994. There were 82 charter members.  Ten of the eighth grade students from the group of charter members earned the honor medal.  In less than two years the chapter had the largest membership of any middle school in the Southern Region with 147 members during school year 1994/1995. 

Question:     When are meetings held?
Answer:       They are typically held the first Tuesday of each month.  Meetings are held in the MPR from 3:20 PM to 4:15 PM.  Each member must attend at least two meetings per semester to be in good standing.  No credit will be earned by any student who does not attend the required two meetings per semester.  CJSF officers meet during lunch to plan meetings and chapter activities. There are no lunch meetings held for the chapter as a whole.