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BHMS Off Campus Independent Study (OCIS) - Physical Education

The OCIS-PE district website below contains all the information and required dates as well the program application.  

Off Campus Independent Study for Physical Education (OCIS-PE) is a program designed to assist athletes with their training schedules by allowing the student to take their Physical Education class at their training facility, under the direct supervision of their coach. The coach or trainer working with the athlete MUST be CPR/First-Aid certified in order to be considered. OCIS-PE must be a significantly different program that involves an activity in which the applicant competes at a state, regional, or national level. A major factor in determining acceptance or rejection of this request will be the difference between a recreational and a competitive program. OCIS-PE is not allowed for any team sports.

**For Middle Schools with a rotating schedule, students participating in OCIS-PE will be required to be enrolled in another middle school class in place of PE. (Rotating = Bernardo Heights and Twin Peaks)**