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Health Office Information

Darlene Hart, Health Technician, 858-485-4850 Ext. 4037
[email protected]


Students must obtain a Health Office Pass or a note from their teacher to go to the Health Office. All students must sign in on the log sheet. Students who need to go to the Health Office during lunch need permission from a Noon Duty of office personnel. In case of an emergency, a pass permission is not required.
  • With a temperature of 100.4, student needs to go home until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • With a normal temperature, students rest for 10-15 minutes and are re-evaluated. At that point they either return to class OR call a parent to discuss their situation.
  • Minor wounds are cleansed and bandaged, and the student is sent back to class.
  • Ice packs are given for sprains/strains.
  • Serious injuries-parents are always called.


Poway Unified School District philosophy is that parents bear the primary responsibility in providing medication for their students.  Whenever possible, medication should be administered at home.  Parents have the option to personally administer medication to their child at any time during the school day.  Health assistance can be provided to support student learning and attendance.  Medication administration is provided under the direction and indirect supervision of the resource nurses in Health Services.  If a student needs medication during the school day, the following procedure must be followed, according to Ed Code:

  • Complete an Authorization for Medication Administration form (H-26) for all prescriptions, over the counter, and herbal medication.  The form requires signatures by both the parent and the student’s physician.  The physician must be licensed in the state of California.
  • The completed form should be given to the Health Technician at the same time as you deliver the medication.
  • The medication must be in a pharmacy-labeled container stating the student’s full name, medication name, proper dosage, and time to be given.

Please check  the expiration date on all medication you provide to the school site and update this medication as needed.

  • Long term medication:  Provide no more than a 1 month supply and replenish the medication as needed.
  • Over-the-counter medication (i.e. Benadryl, Tylenol, or herbal medication):  Medication must be in original container clearly labeled with student’s name.  Parent and physician authorization is required.
  • Sunscreen and Throat Lozenges/Cough Drops may be administered to preschool/elementary school students with parent authorization only by completing and signing the top portion of the H-26 form. A physician signature is not required.  All products must be in original packaging and labeled with the student’s name. No authorization for Sunscreen and Throat Lozenges/Cough Drops is required for Middle School or High School students. 
  • Epi-pens and Epinephrine auto-injectors:  A Potential Anaphylactic Reaction form (H-58) should be completed and signed by physician and parent.  (H-26 form is not necessary)
  • Asthma:  Please provide spacers for inhalers, if indicated, and review your child’s use of the inhaler with the school site Health Technician.
  • ESS and Medication:  Health Technician and ESS Coordinator can communicate and share forms.  However, you must provide separate containers of medication for each location.

Note:  Poway Unified School District has a “zero tolerance” drug policy for all students.

Do not put your child at risk of receiving disciplinary action!  Don’t send your child to school with any medication unless you have followed the medication procedure.  Remember, even Tylenol or Advil are considered to be drugs.

Students may carry their own medication only if they are responsible and an Authorization to Carry Medication While at School form (H-26B) has been signed by the physician, parent, and student.


Vision and Hearing Screening:
8th grade 

Please remind your student to bring his/her glasses to school on the screening dates.


A written note from a guardian is required to excuse or modify students’ participation in class. A note from a doctor is required for any student that is not able to participate for three days or more. A doctor’s note must indicate activities the student CAN do, if possible, and indicate a date when the student will return to full activity or the date of a follow-up appointment. Any time that a student is not able to participate in class activities (due to a guardian’s note, or absence) they are required to make-up the activity. Parent notes cover a student for 3 PE classes. After 3 PE classes, if student is still injured/sick, student will have to provide a doctors note. Absences for doctor’s appointments unrelated to an injury or illness must also be made up. In addition, students are required to learn and complete any assignments that do not require physical activity if excused by a doctor.


Please check the District Health page for immunization information.