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BHMS Athletics

The after school sports program is part of our After School Program.  All students interested in participating in the available sports must turn in a permission slip signed by their parent in order to participate. These can be obtained from the After School Program director in room 107. The purpose of the BHMS sports program is to provide a quality after-school program that will allow students to participate in an activity of their choice giving them an avenue to connect and feel part of the school.  These activities meet Monday through Thursday from 3:20 to 4:20 p.m.  These no-cut programs are open to all grade levels.  There is an activity bus available to students who possess bus passes.  The activity bus leaves the school at 4:30 p.m.
  • Activities are open to all grade levels.
  • There are no cuts.
  • Voluntary program donations are appreciated.
  • All programs are coed unless specified otherwise
  • There is an activity bus available at 4:15 p.m. for students with bus passes.
For more information about our Extracurricular Sports please go to: